
How to Apply for Membership:

Simply register your interest in joining our 4wd group by filling in our Contact Us form.


We do not charge membership fees. There may be associated costs with some camping trips.

How will I be notified of trips:

You will receive email notifications of upcoming trips (option to opt out) or you can view our Trip Calendar on our website. See bottom left corner on our Home page.


We run occasional meetings (2 or 3 pa) plus training events.  They are included on the Trip Calendar (see Home Page).  Members will receive an email notification unless you opt out of notifications.

Registering for a Trip:

  • Complete a Trip Registration Form found on our website under the Trips menu.
  • Complete a Personal Emergency Details Form for each participant traveling in your vehicle.
                These forms are not compulsory but we ask you to use them for your own personal safety.
  • Complete a Photo Release Form for each participant travelling in your vehicle.
               This gives us permission to publish trip photos on our website.
                If you have a reason for not wanting to complete this form then please speak to us as an exemption is available.

    At the beginning of the trip you will be given a Trip Participants List which also lists the convoy order. We set the convoy order so that vehicles which are fitted with a winch are spread throughout the convoy.  This list also helps you to identify the vehicle you are to follow.  See Convoy Procedure.  This will be explained at the beginning of each trip.

Driver Prerequisites:

A valid Australian or International Driver’s Licence
Easy or 2wd trips.
There are no other prerequisites to attending these trips.
Medium rated trips and above.
Complete our 4WD Proficiency Training Course (free).
or have completed a Four Wheel Drive Victoria Proficiency Training Course or equivalent course presented by a FWDV affiliated group.
Buddy System.
If you have not had the opportunity to attend our training course then speak to the trip leader (Contact Us). We can usually arrange a “Buddy System” for your first trip. This is where a Club Instructor will be assigned to watch and help you through any difficult sections. You will still be responsible for any damage to your vehicle. The Buddy System is only available on Medium rated trips.

Why does the group offer free driver training?

One of our main missions is to offer driver training to missionary organizations. By offering free training to everyone, we help the group to grow. This eventually leads to more people offering to help in this mission, which has been saving lives since 2006.

Terms of Trip Registration

Code of Ethics

We have a Code of Ethics which we expect all members to abide by. It covers topics such as the rights of people to choose whichever 4wd suits their particular needs without being slated for their choice. It also covers what is expected in regards to camp fires, gates, clearing tracks, alcohol, care of the environment etc.

Damage to Vehicles:

Drivers are always responsible for the safety of their own vehicle and passengers.  Be sure to understand the Trip Rating before going on a trip.  If you find you are concerned about  any obstacle on a trip, speak to the Trip Leader.  He will help you through or find an alternative.  Never attempt something if you are not comfortable with the situation.
Nearly every 4WD used in the bush will suffer at least some scratching from branches. We try to minimize any further damage but we cannot guarantee this, particularly on trips rated higher than “Easy”.

Vehicle Insurance:

Every owner is responsible for their own vehicle insurance. The bush tracks we travel on are also fire access tracks and are normally “gazetted” as roads. We cannot guarantee that this is the case for every track we use. As a gazetted road, it should be covered by most vehicle insurance policies but this is up to the individual insurance company and drivers need to ensure there are no restrictions on their particular policy.

Vehicle Prerequisites

  • Vehicles must be Road Worthy and fully maintained. (Pay attention to the effectiveness of the Park Brake/Hand Brake  These are often found to not be effective on steep hills.)
  • All vehicles must be fitted with rated front and rear recovery points for trips rated Medium and above. Front tie-down points are not recovery points. If you are not sure, have a Trip Leader check your vehicle before a trip. The Trip Leader has the right/duty to veto any vehicle they deem not suitable. This is for the safety of all who may be involved in a vehicle recovery.
  • Basic recovery gear as detailed for the particular trip rating, is to be carried on every trip. An exemption applies for your first two trips – arrange this with your Trip Leader.
  • A UHF radio is to be carried on every trip. Hand held radios are often acceptable. You may be able to borrow a hand held radio for the first few trips.
  • An air compressor and tyre pressure gauge will be needed on all trips except  2WD rated trips. A cigarette lighter plug in type will not do the job. You should have at least 100 L/min (300 L/min does the job very quickly). You can borrow someone’s air compressor for the first few trips.

The Trip Leader may specify special requirements for some trips (eg sand/snow/remote area).

Photo Release Forms

We ask you to complete a Photo Release Form for each participant traveling in your vehicle.  This gives us permission to publish trip photos on our website. If you have a reason for not wanting to complete this form then please speak to us as an exemption is available.

Social Media.

Photos or videos which identify other participants on the trip, St Alfred’s Anglican Church, the 4WD Group or other associated organizations, are not to be put on social media without first obtaining written permission from the relevant person or organization.

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